I Just Finished a Terrific Book

By Daniel Darling

 The doorbell rang today and awaiting me was a beautiful new delivery of some books. One I had been anticipating for a while, by Kevin DeYoung, a thoughtful new voice in the evangelical world. The book is Just Do Something, A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will. 
Its a short book, but one loaded with powerful wisdom on finding God’s will. The truth is that Christians make this much, much harder than it is. I’m not sure if its a conscience wracked by guilt in pinpointing exactly what God’s will is (red Subaru or Yellow Nissan?), laziness that we gloss over with spiritual words, or just plain passivity. Either way, we’ve turned God’s will into this yellow, hazy fog that nobody can seem to discover. 
That’s why I love Kevin’s straightforward, Biblical advice. I finished this book tonight and posted this review on Amazon and CBD:
So often Christians suffer from "paralysis by analysis", which is to say we over-spiritualize every single decision. Does God want me to buy a red Jeep or a Yellow Subaru? And all along our inaction, our failure to seize opportunities leaves us living lives without purpose and direction. 

Kevin DeYoung tackles Christian passivity head-on in his excellent book, Just Do Something. Oh, this is advice I want to share with young people, old people, and people in between. I have not found a more thoroughly biblical approach to finding and living God’s will than this book. 

Kevin writes with humor, wit, and humility. He shares a pastor’s heart. He writes from a practical, yet biblical Christian worldview. I read a lot of books every year. Very few could I say, without reservation, are life changing and worthy of passing on. This one most definitely is. 

I wish every single Christian, young or old, could read this book. Its that good.