Things They Don’t Tell You About Child-Raising

By Daniel Darling

Here are things they generally don’t share with you as you contemplate having children. They are things you can only discover after your children are alive and kicking:

You may have a child who has such a creative mind that she gets up frightened at 4am because of the spiders she thinks are crawling all over her. Grace literally screamed last night and was pounding her bed at the "spiders." Love the creativity, but don’t always love the time in which she displays that creativity!
You may have a child, who in the middle of your potluck at church, when you, the pastor are supposed to be giving a short devotional, comes running up the middle of the Fellowship Hall and says, "Hey, that’s my Daddy." At that point, do you get mad or do you melt because she thinks you’re cool? (I choose the last one.)
You may have a child who comes up with weird theological questions like, "If God is sleeping, does He snore?"

Just a few random thoughts on a monday afternoon.