Thank God for the President

1 Timothy 2:1-2 Sometimes I don’t like the Bible. That might shock, since I’m a pastor, Christian author, and speaker. But sometimes I don’t like the Bible. What I mean by that is this. Sometimes I read the Bible and nod my head and love what it is saying to me. But other times I […]

Endorsements for iFaith

Endorsements for iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century I’m humbled that these great men and women of God have lent their endorsement to my forthcoming book, iFaith: “Daniel Darling is a serious young man of faith, worthy of a careful reading.” Jerry B. Jenkins, bestselling author of 175 books, including the 700,000,000 selling Left […]

Unsolicited Advice for the New House Majority

photo © 2009 republicanconference | more info(via: Wylio) So, another election and this time, the Republicans are the victors. And many evangelicals are doing happy dances all across the country, mainly because this was more of a conservative victory than a Republican one. The question now becomes, what do we do now? Campaigning is more […]


Growing up in Christianity, we’ve always had an uneasy relationship with Halloween. Our family never took the extreme position of declaring it totally off limits and “the devil’s holiday.” We typically handed out tracts and candy to kids who came by. On the other hand, my parents felt that “trick-or-treating” was something they’d rather not […]

Friday Five Interview – Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner

Today I’m highly honored to have two distinguished men stop by the blog for this very special Friday Five interview. We’re less than two weeks before the midterm elections and so thoughtful people of faith on both sides of the political divide will go to the polls and help shape their government. So I thought […]

Everyone Should Podcast

If you’re living in the 21st century, and you’re not constantly learning, its not because you can’t afford it, it’s because you’re choosing not too. Here is a big reason why: Podcasting. Everyone should podcast. What I mean is that everyone should redeem their iPhones and iPods and iPads for the Kingdom by utilizing one […]

Rod Mattoon on the Sovereignty of God in Salvation

One of my favorite contemporary commentators is Pastor Rod Mattoon. His works are featured in Wordsearch Bible Software. Also on his website: Treasures from the Word. He’s a Baptist preacher in Springfield, IL and his commentaries are among the most well-researched, thorough and organized. He’s also a fabulous writer. Here is a gem from his […]

Friday Five Interview: Dallas Jenkins

I’m delighted to invite Dallas Jenkins to the blog today for The Friday Five. Dallas is a producer and director with Jenkins Entertainment. He is the son of bestselling author, Jerry Jenkins. Dallas Jenkins produced the $2 million independent “Hometown Legend” at the age of 25, ultimately guiding it to Warner Brothers for distribution. Dallas […]

A Christian’s Engagement with Politics

Collin Hansen of the Gospel Coalition interviews Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner about their new book, City of Man, published by Moody Publishers. I reviewed that book here. This is a rich conversation about the intersection of Christianity and politics: City of Man: A Conversation with Michael Gerson and Pete Wehner from The Gospel Coalition […]

Moving: The Way to Your Gifts

I’ve been thinking and speaking a lot of about God’s will, gifts, purpose, God’s calling, etc. And sometimes I think we just make too darn hard what God has made rather simple. Lot of Christians wrestle with questions like, What is it that God wants me to do with my life? How do I know […]

Kids These Days . . . .

In the last month or so, I’ve had a chance to speak to a few different groups of Christian teens, from Christian school kids, to home-schooled kids, to groups of youth group/public schooled Christian kids. I have to say that while the settings were vastly different, there is a theme that emerged for me that […]

Jesus Endorsement of My Prayer

I’m wrapping up my message for Sunday from John 16:23-28. This is a comfort given by Jesus as he is closing his time with the disciples in the Upper Room. Jesus had just unfolded a ton of truth–Holy Spirit, Heaven, Future, Fruit-bearing–all stuff we look back on and understand because we have the full revealed […]