Its All About Christ

What do you believe exactly? I get that question a lot as I’m out and about in the community. People ask me what our church believes, what we teach, what we do. Most people, especially those who don’t attend church and don’t consider themselves too religious have a kind of vague notion as to what […]

The Fall of Sanford

Anytime a politician falls, it is a terrible and sad disgrace, not a time for gloating or "I-told-you-so’s." The last two weeks have seen two promising conservative politicans, professing believers, who have admitted to extramarital affairs. As a guy who has been in and around politics, I have a few thoughts:  We evangelicals belief in […]

Some Thoughts on the Economic Meltdown

So, here we are in the midst of an economic meltdown. Depending on which overheated news anchor you watch, this meltdown is either catastropic, epic, and/or the greatest recession since the Great Depression. Either way, times are really tough right now. But what is so interesting is how the media and our culture is spinning […]

How Do You Explain the Trinity?

 So  my job on Sunday is really easy. Explain the Trinity in a 40-minute sermon.  Actually, no, I won’t explain the Trinity, because the Trinity is unexplainable. But what we will do is explore the Trinity as we continue our series, Why We Believe What We Believe.  Why do we talk about the Trinity? Isn’t […]

Calling an Audible

 Except for holidays, we’ve been going thru the Gospel of John on Sunday mornings. Its an incredibly wonderful study of Jesus’ life and mission. John has some of the most profound theology in all the Scriptures. It answers the question: "Who is Jesus?"  Last week we wrapped up chapter 6 and I was all ready […]

Play-Doh Wisdom

On Mondays at the Darling house, we try to "go dark." This just means that I have a day off and we try to spend time with the kids. Doesn’t always work because there are pressing needs at the church or a conference or meeting I have to attend. Pastoring is 24/7, I believe, so […]

The Bible Stands

 When I was a kid, we sang this song, "The Bible Stands." You can find the words to the song here. Its a simple song with profound theology.  This Sunday we’re talking about Why We Believe What We Believe About the Bible. I thoroughly enjoyed this study. Its a powerful study. What do we mean […]

Soccer Camp

About a year ago, I went to an Awana training meeting to get more aquainted with the Awana leaders in our area. I also needed to brush up on basic Awana stuff, since it had been several years since I led an awana group. At the meeting the leader discussed a new ministry called, "High […]

Quotes on Who Jesus Is

I’m ready for my Sunday Sermon on John 5:17-24. Here are some quotes I’m using: I love this famous C.S. Lewis quote from Mere Christianity: "I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I […]

Who Knew Doctrine Could be Fun?

Its Tuesday and I’m in the office doing the usual pastoral stuff–checking mail, following up with people from Sunday, catching up on church business, etc. But I’m still basking in the glow of a wonderful Sunday this week. As a pastor, I look forward to Sundays, I look forward to preaching, I look forward to […]

Same Kind of Different As Me

 On the way down to South Carolina, we stopped in Knoxville, TN. There we found a fantastic Christian bookstore. As I was browsing the shelves, I saw the book, Same Kind of Different As Me, a book I’ve wanted to read for some time. Lynn Vincent, the collaborater, is a good friend of mine.  I’ve […]

Fired Up For Sunday

As I write this, I’m in the throes of Sunday’s message in John 5. This is the third of probably 5 sermons in this chapter. This week we come face to face with Jesus Christ’s bold claims. The fact is this: you can’t look at Jesus and be neutral. A theology that says Jesus is […]